Sweet Success @ Chocolate Factory Open Studios

Chocolate Factory Open StudiosHarington Reception at the Chocolate Factory Open Studios

The Harington Scheme was delighted to be the first ever nominated charity partner in the Chocolate Factory Open Studios 15 year history.

In the words of Manoj Ambasna, the Chief Executive of Collage Arts, “The Harington Scheme supports young adults with learning disabilities giving them the skills to help them enter the workplace or go on to further education. Collage Arts manages the Open Studios but it is also currently managing a programme to place 1000 young people, who would normally struggle to find work, into apprenticeships. So there are strong synergies between the organisations”.

In order to make the most of this wonderful gesture, the Harington Scheme held a reception at the Chocolate Factory for over 100 people. Their special guest was Joe Swift, who is the Scheme’s patron. He spoke about the work of the Scheme and how important it was to both the students and to their families. With the help of artists at the Chocolate Factory, a silent auction of artwork was put together, with the income shared 50/50 between the artists and the charity.

Guest had a wonderful time visiting the studios of over 120 artists before rushing back to place their final bids in the Harington auction.

The Scheme was also given the opportunity to sell raffle tickets to the many 100’s of visitors to the Open Studios over the weekend thus raising more funds.

Pauline Treen, a trustee of the Scheme says, “The whole collaboration proved a great way for the Harington Scheme to introduce its work to many people and in turn, the visitors to the Open Studios, who came because their favourite charity had been chosen, were introduced to the amazing artists at the Chocolate Factory and will no doubt come back next year. The whole event raised £5000, which is a wonderful result”.