News & Events
Come and meet us at the Fair in the Square this Saturday, 16th June. 12.30 to 5.30. We'll have a stall with produce for sale and there'll be a chance to find out more about our work.
All at the Harington Scheme were saddened to learn of the death, aged 98, on 12th May this year, of Rose Mary Braithwaite, one of the founders of the Scheme and a great supporter and promoter of ou

Many, many thanks to all our staff, learners and visitors on Saturday 12 May who helped us make £2200 in sales, which will go towards supporting our work over the next year.
The Harington Scheme offers our learners work placements with local companies and organisations, providing valuable experience and skills to enhance learning and open up new career opportunities.
Our Spring Sale is on May 12th from 9 until 2, at Cholmeley Park, when we'll be selling plants and crafts in support of the Charity.

Congratulations to all our learners who won prizes at the Highgate Horticultural Show

Thanks to all our supporters and our Friends Association we have a new van.

Congratulations to Carl and Luke who have just completed their a