Our horticultural programme is designed to cater for people with a wide variety of interests, goals and support needs. The site offers a variety of outdoor environments in which to learn horticulture including a formal garden, vegetable plots and a conservation area.
We offer two horticultural programmes:
Programme One: Skills Pathway – Horticulture
Aimed at young people aged 16-24, this is a holistic programme that develops learners' gardening skills as well as life-skills and transferable skills vital for successful employment. It prepares learners who need additional support to enter mainstream training, further education and work. The training is funded by the Education Funding Agency.
What do we have to offer?
- Free training for young people with learning difficulties / disabilities and other support needs funded by the Education Funding Agency.
- An individually tailored programme, the length and content of which is matched to individual needs and goals.
- Full-time training, usually four days per week
Qualifications on offer:
- City and Guilds Skills for Working Life (Land-based) - Entry 2 & 3
- City and Guilds Practical Horticulture Level 1
A typical programme includes:
- Training in gardening skills at the Harington site, including work experience placements.
- Help with reading, writing and maths and ICT
- Personal development
- Independent living skills as appropriate
- Help finding a job, further training or further education
- A ready for work programme for people who would like to get a job
- Functional skills, life and social skills training and qualifications
- Support into employment / FE with follow up and aftercare support
- An annual residential outward bound course
… and lots more!
Programme Two: Day Service
The Day Service provision offers horticultural training of a more therapeutic nature to adults with a learning disability or mental health support needs. It is a flexible programme dependent on individual needs and includes basic skills support.
What do we have to offer?
- Valued daytime activity for people with learning disabilities
- Service users can attend the Harington and engage in a range of horticultural activities in a very supportive environment. Our staff, as well as being qualified horticultural trainers, are very experienced in working with this client group
- Individually tailored training / activity programmes which can be part-time (half a day for 4 days a week or as required) or full time.
- Support with basic skills and communication skills
- A free initial assessment during the first few sessions.
The day service fees are based on a daily rate, usually funded by social services.
For more information call our recruitment team on 020 3457 7989 or email by clicking here.